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Written by Mari Rivera, April 7, 2022

October 23 - November 21

Colors: Black, Blood Red, Charcoal Grey

Drama and Criticism, Intensity, Depth, Charm, Revolution

Tarot: Death

Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Pluto, is the eighth of the zodiac signs. Bold, creative, and mature, Scorpios are dominant and purposeful with their actions, having a deep connection to the subconscious, a good sense of humor and understanding of irony, and a far-focused outlook on the future. They are not easily ignored as they have intense, aggressive personalities, going full force into everything, which applies to their explosive emotions and particular sensitivity to self-destructive, addictive, and over controlling behaviors. They also have a naturally defensive, dynamic energy that they must learn to control to release their fixed behaviors and skepticism of other people's optimistic, cheerful energy.


Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Pluto, is the eighth of the zodiac signs. Bold, creative, and mature, Scorpios are dominant and purposeful with their actions, with a deep subconscious and focus on the future. They are not easily ignored with their intense, aggressive, defensive energy and sensitivity to self-destructive and over-controlling behaviors, so they must learn to control their emotions, let go of fixed behaviors, and release suspicion of other people's optimism and cheerfulness.


Botswana Agate




Lava Rock


Apache Tears Obsidian


Black Obsidian


Smoky Quartz






Botswana Agate - The Change Stone - gently helps one make any transition so that the change is not as difficult or painful as it could be, comforting stone, increases intuition and creativity, success stone. helps one achieve and cope with success

Black Obsidian - Stone of Protection - ultimate protection, provides a shield against negativity, absorbing negativity in the environment, turning it into positive, introduces calm and security, allowing growth on all levels, brings clarity to the mind, clears confusion

Smoky Quartz - Gentle Harmonizing Balancer - removes stress, balances emotional state, transmute negative energies, stills the mind for more successful meditation, blocks electromagnetic pollution, detoxifying physical body restoring balance, centering, grounding

Rhodochrosite - Stone of Love and Balance - useful in cases of loneliness, loss and heartache, heart healer, brings comfort and support, remove feelings of depression, paranoia and irrational fears, calming negative emotional baggage, encourages love and compassion, helping to deal with anger management, release of emotional issues


Unakite - Master Your Fate - unconditional love of humanity, stone of vision, enhances vision of the ethereal plane, balancing emotions with spirituality, brings contact with spirit world, leading one to animal guide, grounding, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth, release blockages

