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Green Onyx is a stone of comfort, personal power, and protection. Because of differences between the mineral world and the commercial industry, there is a lot of confusion about Green Onyx's true composition and properties. Within the gem and mineral community, Onyx is used to describe black and white banded Agate (a variety of Chalcedony). However, in the commercial and building industry, Onyx is used to describe a much softer calcium carbonate stone (Calcite) and can go by many names, including Pakistan Jade, Pakistan Onyx, Mexican Onyx, Onyx Marble, or even Egyptian Alabaster [2]. With this confusion, Green Onyx can really refer to a Green Chalcedony or Banded Calcite (to learn more, continue to Varieties of Green Onyx), but either way it is not a true Onyx. Despite this, Green Onyx has still been used throughout history, even being found at burial sites and in archeological evidence of ancient magical practices [5], and its story is deeply tied to Black Onyx.

Depending on the variety, Green Onyx can come from a large array of places, including Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, United States, and Uruguay. It may also come from England, Germany, or Russia [3].

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 Appearance   Properties   Pairings   Varieties   Similar Stones 


100 x 300  Chakra
Root, Heart
1, 2, 6, 8
Mercury, Venus
Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn


Appearance of Green Onyx

Chemical Formula: SiO2 (Silicon Dioxide) or CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)

Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7 or <4

Colors: Green

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NOTE: Depending on the real mineral, Green Onyx's durability can vary. Dyed Chalcedony or Agate is stronger than Banded Calcite that can be scratched easily and may lose its color [4].

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Onyx consists of silicon dioxide and is a form of chalcedony, which is microcrystalline. This means that the crystals cannot be seen by the naked eye. You can only see the crystal structure through a microscope. Onyx can be further categorized into quartz, just like amethyst and citrine, for example. On the other hand, banded calcite consists mostly of calcium carbonate (up to 99%). The rest of this mineral is made up of other substances, which often cause a difference in color. For green calcite, for example, there is malachite present. As a result, what is often referred to as Mexican or Pakistan onyx is actually not even close to being actual onyx. [3]

CARE: With calcite being a soft stone, it is recommended to avoid water. Leaving it to soak will either dissolve or break the stone. With onyx being a variety of quartz, it doesn’t have a problem with water. Do keep in mind that if you wear the stone as jewelry, it is recommended to keep it away from water anyway. This is because any stone that is exposed to water for long periods will eventually turn dull. The best way to clean these stones is by either dusting them off or using a damp towel. Make sure to dry them afterward. If you are using these stones for their metaphysical properties, you might want to consider energetically cleansing and recharging these stones. The reason for this is that these stones absorb low vibrations. Every month or so, you want to remove these energies from the stone so you can continue to use it. After cleansing, it is recommended you also recharge the stones to make sure they are full of positive energy to share with you. The stones can be cleansed and recharged using sun or moonlight, sound, and cleansing crystals like clear quartz or selenite. [3] In the case of calcite, in particular, make sure to take it off when you are showering or swimming, as water will not do this stone any good. 


Healing Properties of Green Onyx


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Even the lovely, emerald-like green color of this stone brings to mind the peace of green meadows and sunlight shining through leaves. [5]

Green Onyx (actually Banded Calcite) is not a true Onyx, but it still has the same strong, stable energies that repel negativity and encourage personal power. It is more soothing and cleansing than Onyx though, calming the mind and healing the heart to bring the two in harmony. This helps with decision making, honesty, focus, and feeling comfortable in your skin or surroundings. It can also make difficult tasks and emotions feel easier to handle.

Metaphysically, Green Onyx is beneficial to any stage of your spiritual journey. It can work with the past by connecting you to your past lives; it can work with the present by showing you the truth in memories; and it can work with the future by repelling negativity for a new successful path. With this deep healing, it can bring the mind and heart into balance to reveal the honest connection between past and current experiences, projecting you on a future path of love, courage, and peace.

Emotionally and mentally, Green Onyx

eliminate distracting thoughts/brain fog getting between you and better learning/retention, help both public speakers that love public speaking and public speakers with severe anxiety, enhance confidence of seasoned speakers, bring support/courage to those who may not enjoy speaking in public, self-confidence boost, benefit those suffering from matters of the heart (romantic issues, difficult people, lack of self-confidence, sexual issues), peace, purity, mental support, strength, willpower, discipline, stimulate these traits directly from the heart, soothe one's heart, bringing one to a calm emotional state, still mind, call upon their inner endurance and persistence, self-mastery and dreadful tasks feel like a breeze, intelligence/elevated brain power/enhanced memory, speak truth from the heart, stand up and face anxiety when confronted with it instead of allowing it to control you, public speakers/politicians/actors who are always in front of society 

Physically, Green Onyx

high blood pressure, ulcers, abdominal disorders, improvement of the skin/hair/eyes/teeth, feeling of youth/vitality/fertility, treats disorders of the bones/bone marrow/blood, beneficial for teeth/feet


Crystal Pairings

Pink Mangano Calcite, fluorescent

comfort: Pink Mangano Calcite, Larimar, Lepidolite, Morganite, Pink Opal, Rose Quartz, Scolecite

personal power: Orca Agate, Citrine, Garnet, Hypersthene, Moonstone, Sodalite, Rose Quartz

protection: Calcite, Hematite, Black Opal, Selenite

If you are looking to specifically bring comfort, then try _, _, and/or _. If you are looking to specifically bring personal power, then try _, _, and/or _. If you are looking to specifically bring protection, then try _, _, and/or _.


Varieties of Green Onyx

Chalcedonyx or Banded Onyx – Chalcedony with stripes of white Onyx where the layers are banded opaque and translucent, usually white with streaks of black, gray, brown or cream. White banded Onyx is often found as broad bands with black Onyx.

Artificial treatments to enhance the color of Onyx, or to produce artificial Onyx from Chalcedony and Agates, have been around since ancient Egyptian times and are still in use today. The 1st century naturalist, Pliny the Elder, claimed all gems are brightened if boiled in honey, and wrote about techniques that were being used in Roman times. To produce black or other colors, the stone was first soaked or boiled in sugar solutions, then treated with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid to carbonize the sugars absorbed in the porous layers. This greatly heightened the contrast between the white and black, or brown, layers of the stone. Dye techniques, as well as heat treatments with nitric acid, have become an accepted practice and most of the “Black Onyx” sold on the current market today is dyed gray Onyx or artificially treated Chalcedony. These treatments are not considered to hinder the stone’s natural powers.

In recent times, the name Onyx has been incorrectly used to describe any banded gemstone with parallel banding, as well as a variety of banded Calcite formed in cave systems such as the material mined in Mexico, Pakistan, and other areas. It is often carved and polished into bowls, bookends, or chess sets, etc. and constitutes the majority of carved “Onyx” sold on the current market. This carbonate material is softer than true Onyx and far less valuable. The following describes some of the materials inaccurately labeled as Onyx:

Onyx Marble, Mexican Onyx, Brazilian Onyx, Limestone or Cave Onyx – comprised of calcite or aragonite, travertine or tufa that exhibits color banding from layer deposition that can be polished and dyed and used for ornamental stone; Green Onyx – often refers to unbanded Chalcedony dyed a deep green color, but may also denote banded light green and white banded Agate; sometimes used incorrectly as green Onyx Marble. There is also a lot of dyed unbanded Chalcedony labeled as Red Onyx and Blue Onyx. [8]

Dyed Chalcedony


Banded Calcite



Similar Stones

Onyx vs Green Onyx

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HARDNESS AND ACID TEST: Mohs hardness, banded calcite 3, onyx 6.5-7, fluorite 4, glass 5.5, try to scratch the stone, calcite scratched by fluorite/glass, onyx not, not a decisive test; drop a bit of vinegar on the stone, leave it be for a minute or so, check to see if tiny bubbles start to form on the surface of the mineral, calcite reacts to acid, onyx not [3]

PROPERTIES: banded calcite = cleansing stone, eliminate all negative energies, clear the mind of destructive thinking, unlock psychic abilities, finding purpose, bring positive energies, boost personal power and feelings of security/safety, bring focus/creativity; onyx = grounding stone, bring stability when experiencing anger/fear/frustration, brings confidence/self-control, making difficult decisions/going through grief, maintaining balanced/authentic/creative [3]

USES: banded calcite comforting, black onyx protective. Make sure the stone is in contact with your skin and located as close to the associated chakra as possible. Another way to bring these energies into your life, is by placing the stones in your house. With calcite being a soft stone, it is often made into various ornaments, perfect to display as a decorative piece. Onyx, on the other hand is often placed in the home either raw, or polished. If you’re new to working with crystals or would like to gain a deeper understanding of how these stones work, we recommend meditating with them. This way you are consciously absorbing their energy. When you sit down with them, make sure you have the stones cleansed and recharged, and you have also set an intention for them. This basically means that you know what you would like to get out of working with this stone. Are you looking for protection? Or releasing your anxiety? Or perhaps you just want to see how these stones make you feel. Whatever you choose, make sure you make conscious decision. [3]

Emerald vs Green Onyx


Green Onyx often mistaken for Emerald/Jade but differs in formation and structure. It is formed through the layering of Chalcedony and Quartz in a cryptocrystalline formation, whereas Emerald for example, is a Beryl formation. This stone has a hardness of 6.5-7, similarly to most other forms of Onyx. The color of Green Onyx is a rich, deep green and it is primarily found in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, and USA. [7]

Jade vs Green Onyx


Green Onyx often mistaken for Emerald/Jade but differs in formation and structure. It is formed through the layering of Chalcedony and Quartz in a cryptocrystalline formation, whereas Emerald for example, is a Beryl formation. This stone has a hardness of 6.5-7, similarly to most other forms of Onyx. The color of Green Onyx is a rich, deep green and it is primarily found in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, and USA. [7]


NOTE: We do not condone crystals and/or minerals as a replacement for medical attention or professional help, as healing properties of crystals have not been 100% proven by science. If you are concerned about your health, please seek professional medical attention. Moreover, do not consume or place crystals and/or minerals inside of your body without professional consultation, as this can be dangerous.


See Also

idk lol


Written by Mari Rivera, August 8, 2023
Credits: [1] Caryl. "Onyx". Charms of Light, 2005 - 2023, Accessed 8 August 2023.
[2] Dearnaley, Emma. "Spotting Fakes: Onyx or Calcite?". The Citrine Circle, 26 December 2020,
[3] Neat Crystal. "Full Guide To Banded Calcite vs. Onyx (This is the Difference)". Neat Crystal,, 15 July 2022,
[4] Henriques, Marta. “What Causes Damage to Crystals”. Medium, New Earth Consciousness, 8 July 2022,
[5] Rowe, Heather. "Green Onyx 101: Meaning, Properties & Benefits" Crystal Viden, 2 August 2021,
[6] "Common Fluorescent Minerals". The Fluorescent Mineral Society Inc, 2022, Accessed 15 August 2023.
[7] "Green Onyx". Crystal Council LLC, 2018 - 2023, Accessed 8 August 2023.
[8] "Onyx Healing Properties, Meanings, and Uses". Crystal Vaults, 2006 - 2023, Accessed 8 August 2023.
[9] "Mineral Scams, Fakes, and Tricks: Calcite or Onyx?". Fake Gemstones and Minerals, Albion Fire and Ice, 10 July 2020, Accessed 8 August 2023.