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Aries: March 21 - April 20

Aries, a fire sign ruled by Mars, is the first of the zodiac signs. Fiery explorers full of childlike wonder, Aries' do not seek approval but instead, demand attention, strive for originality, and seek to be leaders and stars. They are confident in their value, however, they do not like to be misunderstood and are subject to being overly self-centered or self-doubtful if they do not learn introspection and contemplation before action.


Crazy Lace Agate reminds us to solve internal problems before taking external action, encouraging an Aries to think before acting. It is also perfect to focus an Aries' excitable energy to finish tasks.

Fire Agate maintains courage, energy, and passion and shows Aries how to express themselves and communicate to avoid misunderstanding. It calms self-doubt by easing fears and enhancing strength.

Citrine brings abundance, joy, and success, and also directs Aries' creative and curious energy. It helps Aries think and decide what they want and stabilizes them to work towards it.

Red Jasper:Stone of Connection - brings tranquility and wholeness, protection, absorbing negativity, clearing electromagnetic, and environmental pollution, protection from psychic attack, energizing existing capabilities

Stilbite:Stone of Mental Clarity - mental cleanser, brings clear thinking, enhancing one’s self-sense, inner peace, mental balance, loving vibration, enables deeper state of meditation to receive psychic direction from guides and angels, enhances one’s dreams, frees one from external influences including fear, allowing one to make confident decisions



Taurus: April 21 - May 21

Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus, is the second of the zodiac signs. Known for their stubborn and independent nature, Taureans, or Tauruses, are also deeply loving, sensual, and nurturing of their surroundings and people they love, offering insight, strategy, and flexibility for harmony. They strive for security which may subject them to being overly materialistic, possessive, and selfish, so they must learn to share, as well as stop procrastinating for comfort and relaxation.


Chrysocolla - Stone of Tranquility - soothing energies promote serenity, peace, and tolerance, neutralizes negativity, supports inner strength, enhances personal power, honesty, eases fears, allows you to let go of past pain, detoxifies the physical body

Emerald - Heart Chakra Activator - opens one to divine universal love allowing positive change to occur, transmutes negativity and blocks, heal heartbreak, stone of courage, providing enormous inspiration and patience to follow the spiritual path, balancing emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, promotes successful love

Jade - Master Healer - restore purity of one’s soul and heart, transmuting negativity and karmic harm to move one closer to spiritual perfection, promotes harmony with the Earth, bring good fortune and protection of environment

Rose Quartz - Stone of Unconditional Love - opening the heart chakra, opens one to all forms of love, energetic, and vibrational fields, transmutes negativity, amplifies energy, and raises your consciousness, enhancing love in any situation, brings self-confidence, creativity, trust, promotes forgiveness, reducing stress and tension

Rhodonite - Stone of Encompassing Love - protective of the healer, prevents psychic or intuitive damage, vibrating with love, promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well-being, rescue stone, it raises self-confidence and protects from negativity, reducing stress and calming the mind, emotional healer, clears emotional debris from past wounds and scars, aid emotional self-destruction, codependency, and abuse



Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, is the third of the zodiac signs. Lively, intellectual, and outspoken, Geminis easily adapt and communicate. They enjoy being parts of groups, although they are flighty and bore easily, constantly seeking excitement and trouble and possessing an unattached energy that leads them to be seen as two-faced, so they must learn that there is satisfaction in peace and consistency.


Blue Lace Agate - Stone of Tranquility - calms anger and frustration, works with throat chakra to bring peace of mind, counteracting fear of rejection, opening blocked self-expression, dissolves old patterns and counteracts mental stress

Arfvedsonite - Stone of Many Manifestations - strong psychic protection, opens your own psychic gifts, helps to develop all kinds of other gifts, clear all negativity from within the user, open third eye, strong spiritual growth

Celestite - Contact Your Guardian Angels - helps you develop your metaphysical gifts, calming and uplifting, aids mental clarity and sharpens mental faculties, enables angelic connects, high energy stone, useful in meditation, restoring inner balance, help one find the truth, relieving stress and anxiety

Citrine - Abundance and Success Stone - success in business, dissipates negative energy, attracts abundance, directing creative energy, decision making, building self-esteem, healing

Variscite - Stone to Release Worry - eases fears, calms the mind, relieves anxiety and worry, helpful to ones who have been ill or under stress for a long time, meditation, increases stillness in the mind, intuition and psychic abilities



Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Cancer, a water sign ruled by the Moon, is the fourth of the zodiac signs. Deep feelers and nurturers with vivid dreams and introspection, Cancerians, or Cancers, understand their unique complexity and sensitive. They enjoy intimate, private routine with loved ones in the home, risking irritability if disturbed from this for too long, and are strong nonverbal communicators that must learn to verbally communicate their needs over strictly mutual bonds of empathetic understanding.


Selenite - Stone of Mental Clarity - clear chakras blockages and heal the physical body, clearing homes, working spaces, anywhere, facilitate communication with higher realms, accessing angelic consciousness, bringing integration of the divine

Calcite - Stone of Cleansing - cleans negative energies from the environment, brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy, spiritual stone that facilitates the opening of higher consciousness and psychic abilities

Chalcedony - Path to Stability - gentle, stabilizing, soothing, calm is fostered by this peaceful stone, encouraging communication, while engendering honesty, psychic work, guarding against psychic attacks

Larvikite - Stone of Inner Transformation - meditation, cleansing and grounding properties for mental clarity, strength and wisdom on future endeavors in wealth and love, stimulates and opens inner visions to connect, allow for the flow of Earth’s energies

Moonstone - Stone of Goddess Energy - calming, soothing energy, strengthening intuition and psychic perception, bringing balance and harmony, new beginnings, inner growth, and strength, stimulates self-confidence, perception, and discernment



Leo: July 23 - August 23

Leo, a fire sign ruled by the Sun, is the fifth of the zodiac signs. Big-hearted and loyal leaders, Leos stick up for their beliefs and loved ones and make their presence felt by sharing their warm, confident, and independent energy. They love admiration for their appearance, actions, and livelihood but are subject to being arrogant or egotistical and they must learn to let go of fixed attachments that stunt their growth.


Amber - Natural Healing Stone - powerful healer and cleanser, moving energy around the body to ease pain, psychic protection, travelers’ protection stone, stress release, enhancing creativity, manifestation

Bronzite - Stone of Energy - allow a more thoughtful approach to one’s life, enhances the ability to take control of actions, working in a more careful manner, helps to remove uncertainty, grounding stone, protective, help to develop a strong positive self-esteem

Mookaite - Stone of Support - gentle, protective, and strengthening companion for the bereaved or lonely, calm center, balances inner and outer experiences for soothing environment, decision making, protection against dangerous or negative situations

Onyx - Master Your Fate - strength, vigor, balances emotions, emphasizes wise decision-making, grounding, releasing negative emotions, harmonizes physical with emotional

Tiger Iron - Stone of Focus - balances energies and focus, Hematite’s capacity to deflect negative energy, Tiger’s Eye’s ability to bring watchfulness for danger, Red Jasper’s protectiveness



Virgo: August 24 - September 22

Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is the sixth of the zodiac signs. Smart and sophisticated, Virgos are deeply caring under their serious appearance, using their structured thinking and talents to solve problems in the interest of serving others. They are mysterious and secretive, picky in what they reveal, what they conceal, and how they do it, including their needs and demands, so they must learn to verbally communicate and release some of their critical, analytical outlook.


Tree Agate - Stone of Abundance - brings good luck, abundance, and wealth, brings calm and peace, healing stone, promotes health in all environments, especially Mother Earth, can give you the energy to face difficult, unpleasant circumstances with poise and self-control

Chevron Amethyst - Master Healing Stone - strongly protective, transmutes negative energy to love, relieves all kinds of stress, activates spiritual and psychic powers, helps move one into higher state of consciousness, strengthens metal abilities and heightens meditation abilities, clears auric field, helps with peaceful sleep and clear dreaming

Carnelian - Stone of Power - enhancing analytical abilities, ambition, and drive, awakens hidden talents and gifts, career activator and energizer, bolsters creativity, personal power, enables more control over one’s negative emotions, enhances meditation, making astral travel more possible by giving courage and curiosity, helps as a source of constant renewal and vitality, both physically and spirituality, gives one the courage to overcome depression and sorrow

Charoite - Stone of Transformation - slow down and enjoy the moment, opens to a new awareness of spiritual things all around you, strong transformation of negative emotions, removes negative patterns of behavior and belief, positive spiritual growth, enhanced self-esteem, courage, and inner strength are also nurtured, supports unconditional love and acceptance of others

Hypersthene - Stone of Protection - one of the main protective stones, blocking outside ‘noise’ that keeps one from finding quiet, during meditation especially, shimmering color reminds one that the third eye is all seeing



Libra: September 23 - October 22

Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, is the seventh of the zodiac signs. Embodiments of duality, Libras are good partners in every sense with their charming, social personalities. They fight for fairness and admire beauty but may come off hypocritical as they walk a fine line from being overly judgmental and beauty-obsessed to overly accepting and indecisive if they don't learn to balance their attitudes and give people the breathing space that they themselves require.


Iolite - Stone of Transformation - psychic healing, expands and opens one’s psychic talents, enhances meditation and astral travel, aids in understanding and overcoming addictions, letting go of negative ideas and patterns, clearing and opening third eye, excellent for shamanic journeying

Kyanite - Stone of Connections - Blue Kyanite, keeping the other crystals and chakras in alignment, spiritual honesty, allowing one to speak their spiritual truth, clean and clear all chakras, shield for all negativity and ill will

Peach Moonstone - Stone of Goddess Energy - calming, soothing energy, strengthening intuition and psychic perception, bringing balance and harmony, new beginnings, inner growth, and strength, stimulates self-confidence, perception, and discernment

Rose Quartz - Stone of Unconditional Love - opening the heart chakra, opens one to all forms of love, energetic, and vibrational fields, transmutes negativity, amplifies energy, and raises your consciousness, enhancing love in any situation, brings self-confidence, creativity, trust, promotes forgiveness, reducing stress and tension

Pink Tourmaline - Stone of Strong Mental Health - aid in the quest for spiritual peace and calm, supporting individuals with a vibrant heart chakra, brings an influx of love, joy, and happiness into one’s life, soothe super sensitive nature, emotional healing



Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Scorpio, a water sign ruled by Pluto, is the eighth of the zodiac signs. Bold, creative, and mature, Scorpios are dominant and purposeful with their actions, with a deep subconscious and focus on the future. They are not easily ignored with their intense, aggressive, defensive energy and sensitivity to self-destructive and over-controlling behaviors, so they must learn to control their emotions, let go of fixed behaviors, and release suspicion of other people's optimism and cheerfulness.


Botswana Agate - The Change Stone - gently helps one make any transition so that the change is not as difficult or painful as it could be, comforting stone, increases intuition and creativity, success stone. helps one achieve and cope with success

Black Obsidian - Stone of Protection - ultimate protection, provides a shield against negativity, absorbing negativity in the environment, turning it into positive, introduces calm and security, allowing growth on all levels, brings clarity to the mind, clears confusion

Smoky Quartz - Gentle Harmonizing Balancer - removes stress, balances emotional state, transmute negative energies, stills the mind for more successful meditation, blocks electromagnetic pollution, detoxifying physical body restoring balance, centering, grounding

Rhodochrosite - Stone of Love and Balance - useful in cases of loneliness, loss and heartache, heart healer, brings comfort and support, remove feelings of depression, paranoia and irrational fears, calming negative emotional baggage, encourages love and compassion, helping to deal with anger management, release of emotional issues

Unakite - Master Your Fate - unconditional love of humanity, stone of vision, enhances vision of the ethereal plane, balancing emotions with spirituality, brings contact with spirit world, leading one to animal guide, grounding, gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth, release blockages



Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

K2 - Stone of the Consciousness - enabling you to reach higher levels of consciousness during meditation, healing, spirit or light work, open the third eye to expand your vision, providing clarity of “vision” and thought, guidance from the higher dimensions, shamanic visioning, or ascended masters

Labradorite - Spiritual Vision - opening spiritual pathways to all levels of higher beings, help one to traverse changes, transformational crystal, clear, balance, and protect the aura, clarity and insight into ones’ destiny, attracts success

Lapis Lazuli - Stone of Psychic Development - protective, returns psychic attack to its source, quickly releases stress, key to spiritual attainment, provides channel to the pureness of being, allowing one to sense higher vibrations, transmutes mental and emotional blockages, allows one to follow the path for best potential

Sheen Obsidian - Stone of Protection - grounds, protects, heal grief, promotes forgiveness, turns negative emotional energy into positive, introduces calm and security into environment, get rid of deeply held trauma

Blue Topaz - Stone of Self Worth - healing depression, bring about feelings of self-worth, attracting vibrations that bring success to one’s life, improve communication skills, energizing physically and mentally, increasing love, openness, stabilizing emotions, release tension, bring true joy



Capricorn: December 22 - January 20

Aragonite - Earth Healer - transforms geopathic stress, increases energy, remove source of disease from early life, deepens roots to Mother Earth

Smoky Quartz - Gentle Harmonizing Balancer - removes stress, balances emotional state, transmute negative energies, stills the mind for more successful meditation, blocks electromagnetic pollution, detoxifying physical body restoring balance, centering, grounding

Scolecite - Transformation Stone - calming inner peace and spiritual transformation, aids communication with whole spiritual realm, stress releaser

Stromatolite - Stone of Balance and Strength - also known as Algae Iron or Fossil Algae, relieves physical and emotional stress, re-establishes the flow of body fluids that have become heavy or blocked, massages the chakras, patient steady energy of a Jasper, bringing temperance and steadfastness to any process or person

Golden Tiger's Eye - Stone of Manifestation - spiritual energy, enhancing and raising energy and vibrations, balancing chakras, protective, attracting prosperity, grounding, encourages seeing the world as it is without illusion, enhancing personal power, releasing stress, good luck stone of travelers



Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

Amethyst - Master Healing Stone - strongly protective, transmutes negative energy to love, relieves all kinds of stress, activates spiritual and psychic powers, helps move one into higher state of consciousness, strengthens metal abilities and heightens meditation abilities, clears auric field, helps with peaceful sleep and clear dreaming

Angelite - Conscious Connection to Angelic Realm - balancing, supporting the physical body with ethereal realm, brings inner peace, tranquility, and heals anger, relieve pain, builds protective energy, builds telepathic abilities

Aquamarine - Stone of Abundant Love and Hope - energy of compassion and abundant love available to all, connects the physical and ethereal bodies, assists in letting go of judgmental tendencies, negative emotional states, boosting vitality

Turquoise - Master Healer - healing all including spiritual issues, guiding one through the unknown on journey to enlightenment, connecting with all that is, explore past lives to find source of self- sabotage, purification stone, protects from negative influences and pollutants, align all chakras, stabilizes mood swings, ends depression and exhaustion

Hematite - Anti-Stress Stone - shields from electromagnetic smog and geopathic, physical, or mental stress, provide a calmer and cleaner environment, memory enhancement, more original thinking, access to technical knowledge, balancing emotions and energies between body, mind, and spirit, brings spiritual energies to a higher level



Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Aquamarine - Stone of Abundant Love and Hope - energy of compassion and abundant love available to all, connects the physical and ethereal bodies, assists in letting go of judgmental tendencies, negative emotional states, boosting vitality

Amethyst - Master Healing Stone - strongly protective, transmutes negative energy to love, relieves all kinds of stress, activates spiritual and psychic powers, helps move one into higher state of consciousness, strengthens metal abilities and heightens meditation abilities, clears auric field, helps with peaceful sleep and clear dreaming

Bloodstone - Stone of Courage - calms and revitalizes the mind, allowing clear vision, reducing irritability, aggressiveness, and impatience, easing discomfort in new or difficult situations

Fluorite - Stone of Strength and Order - gives order and structure to energy, ideas, and concepts, acts as cleaner of psychic energy, clears negativity and confusion, brings clear-cut thinking and decision-making, brings stability and inner strength, excellent for students and anyone studying and trying to remember new information

White Opal - Stone of Inspiration - enhance imagination and healing, enhance memory, decrease confusion, brings inspiration of new love, protective and gentle support for the emotional body, enhances cosmic consciousness, developing psychic and mystic vision

Written by Mari Rivera, September 5, 2023
Credits: [1] Caryl. "Gemstone & Crystal Healing Properties". Charms of Light,
[2] Goldschneider, Gary. "The Secret Language of Birthdays". Edited by Aron Goldshneider, a Joost Elffers production, 2016 ed., Penguin Studio Books, an imprint of Penguin Books USA Inc., 1994. 
[3] Hall, Judy. "The Encyclopedia of Crystals". Godsfield Press, Octopus Publishing Group Ltd, 2013. Print.
[4] Stapleton, Debbie. "Zodiac Signs"., Accessed 25 March 2022.
[5] "Astrology Stones". Crystal Life, Crystal Life Technology Inc., 2022,
[6] "Crystals by Zodiac". Crystal Council LLC, 2018 - 2022,
[7] "Crystals of the Zodiac". Crystal Vaults, 2006 - 2021,